Can you help AARC families?

The cost to society: how your donation helps


Early intervention in the life of an adolescent addict is obviously good for the individual concerned. But it is also good for society at large, freeing up resources for other needs.

Addiction hurts us all

AARC’s treatment model helps reduce our reliance on long-term addiction facilities, such as drop-in centres, shelters, emergency room visits, youth and adult detention centres, group homes and foster homes. Addiction also weighs heavily on the policing and criminal justice system, social work departments, social welfare payments and other public health services.

Back in 2002, the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse estimated that the total costs to Canadian society due to addiction was around $40 billion a year, with Alberta alone impacted by up to $5.3 billion.

Make a Donation

Charitable Registration Number: 13219-9480-RR0001

Here at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre, we see miracles happen every day. When a young person walks through the doors of AARC, they are often desperate, defeated, and completely hopeless. Lives have been destroyed and families have been torn apart. But at AARC, we know what that’s like. Many of us have been in the grips of addiction ourselves, and have overcome the ravages that it caused.

We believe in this program, because we’ve seen it work – over and over again. We believe in all the individuals who come into this program, because we know that deep down within them lies the courage to change. We believe in the families that stand behind those individuals, because they too have repeatedly shown strength and bravery while overcoming numerous difficulties. But most of all, we believe in miracles, because we know where we’d be without the love and support of AARC and its entire staff.

There is a solution for adolescent addiction. With the support of sponsors, donors and friends of AARC, we are able to bring hope back to these young and shattered lives. Thank you for helping us to make miracles happen!

Support a teen for a day

Please give what you can. Please note that in order to receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation, you must input your full mailing address during the checkout process.

Funding Needs

Our donors help us subsidize treatment for families

Each year, AARC needs to raise over $2,000,000 to maintain its current level of operations.

Where the money goes

Expenses $ in ,000
Clinical treatment 1860
Community relations & fund development 410
Administration 388
Amortization 175
Building 252
Legal & consulting 385
In-kind 59
Total 3532

Where the money comes from

Our sources of income are set out below:

  • Client Fees 10%
  • Donors: Corporate, foundation and individuals 38%
  • Fundraisers: gala, golf tournament and third-party 24%
  • Clinical Development Fund 21%
  • Amortization 5%
  • Investment and other income 2%

(Actual figures for the fiscal period April 1, 2019-March 31, 2020)

If you would like to make a donation, find out more here.

4Boys Fund Grant

Mission Statement:

“To provide financial support to any AARC graduate requiring additional funding for specialized addiction and/or mental health treatment. Further, to provide funding for grief counselling for the immediate family of the AARC graduate as necessary.”

The 4Boys Fund Parent Group is truly blessed to be stewards of a vision originally created by Tim Leskun and Dr. Sandra Fenton and forever remembered in the beautiful benches crafted so meticulously by Ron Lepard and Jeff Ogilvie for Peter Brodie, AARC graduate #335, Ben Cory, AARC graduate #433, Jeremy McKenzie, AARC graduate #540, and Kevin Spiegelmann, AARC graduate #536. In addition, Tim and Sandra were also able to start a fund, originally called the AARC Angels Foundation to support philanthropy in the community. Since inception, we have successfully grown this fund, now named the 4Boys Fund, to be in a position to pay-forward their original vision and financially support AARC graduates and their immediate families in addiction, mental health and grief counseling services. For those of you that have already contributed to the Fund, we thank you for your generosity. We know our sons would be so proud to give back in this way.

We are committed to continue working collaboratively with AARC, AARC Board and AARC Alumni to further fundraising and visionary endeavours for the benefit of each group. Graduates and/or their immediate families are asked to complete the attached 4Boys Fund Grant Application Form to seek approval of funds.

Click Here to download the application form. Completed applications or inquiries may be sent to

Bench Photo

A Christmas Gift of Hope